Rock ‘n’ Roll and Latin Dance Lessons Phone Lynn 0409719993

Rock ‘n’ Roll and Latin Dance Lessons Phone Lynn 0409719993

Rock ‘n Roll and Latin Dance Lessons

Singles and Couples are welcome, and you can dance with your partner or choose to rotate partners

Totally up to you!

We start each lesson with some “basic” steps and then progress into a routine that changes each week

Even if you have never danced before, we will get you moving!

Private Lessons are available by appointment only, contact Lynn 0409 719993 for more details


St George Maso’s Club

Rock n Roll and Latin Lesson, Every Tuesday  evening

86 Roberts Road Mortdale 2223 NSW

7:30 pm to 8:30 pm Rock n Roll

8:45 pm to 9:45 pm Latin

$10 per person, per lesson


Granville Diggers Club

Rock n Roll Dance Lesson, every Thursday evening 

5 Memorial Dr, Granville NSW 2142

$10 per person from 7:30pm

Followed by 45 mins of social practice dancing

Link up with Lynn on Facebook

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